Skill Surf Rules & Info

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Staff member
Community Director
Better Supporter
Mar 25, 2022
Community Guidelines & Rules
  • Use common sense.
    • If you actually follow any rules follow this one and you probably wont get in trouble.
  • No Hacking or Cheating
    • This includes aimbots, wallhacks, bhop scripts and any external programs that give you an advantage.
  • No Advertising of any kind.
    • This means don't link websites or anything like that. You are allowed to link your twitch as long as there is a decent delay.
  • No Mic or Chat Spam
    • This means don't constantly talk in voice chat or spam chat in any way.
  • Do not disrespect admins or other players.
    • This means no antagonizing or degrading others in any way.
    • Having fun amongst friends is alright, however if someone asks you to stop, you should.
  • Do not exploit
    • This means if there is a bug you find in a plugin or map discreetly report it to an admin, and do not abuse it.
  • Do not evade punishment.
    • This means don't disconnect, change name or anything else to try to evade your punishment, we will just ban you instead.
  • No Racism
    • This means don't use anything in a way that can be determined racist, this is up to admin discretion.
    • This does not mean you cannot say certain words you just can't use them in a racist context.
  • Do not intentionally target other players
    • This can be interpreted as harassing a player or simply going out of your way to kill them first.
  • Do not argue with admins
    • Arguing with admins will just end up with you being muted
    • If you think an admin is being unfair/breaking rules report them on our forums

Server Rules
  • No Mic or Chat Spam
  • Do not avoid the AFK timer by using AFK scripts or anything like that
  • Mic Spam is allowed if you are*
    • Freestyling/Rap battles
    • Everyone is okay with you playing music

Useful Commands
/<weapon> - Doing this command will spawn you in a weapon(ex. !ak47)
/mtop [player] [style ]- Will show you the top 10 times for this map, with a max of 100
/mrank [player] [map] - Will show you the time and place of the targeted player on the map
/restart -Will teleport you back to the start of the map and reset your timer
/stage - Will open the stages menu and allow you to teleport to them
/s or /stick - Will teleport you back to the start of the stage
/s [number] - Will attempt to teleport you to that stage number
/bonus - Will open the bonuses menu and allow you to teleport to them
/styles - Will open the styles menu and set your run style to the selected one
/mi [map] or /mapinfo [map] - Will display information about the map for you
/tier [map] - Will display the map's tier
/recentrecords - Will show you the most recent server records
/stop- Will pause your timer and save what checkpoint you are at if on a stage map
/resume- Will your timer at the saved checkpoint
/stop- Will stop your timer
/disable - Similar to stop
/tier [map] - Will show you the average time for the map
/sr or /serverrecord [map] - Will tell you the best time for the map
/ws - choose a skin for your gun and knife
/knife - choose any knife model you want
/sm [player] - self-mute a player
/su [player] - self-unmute a player
/calladmin - Command to request an admin and report rule-breakers
/es [player] - easily spectate a player
/afk - Sets you to spectate after 7 seconds
/hidearms - Hides arm model for Humans
/hud - Toggles entwatch hud on/off
/nominate [substring / part of map name] - quickly nominate a map
/nomination - Display all player nominated maps
/rtv - Vote to skip the map
/store - menu to buy cosmetic items
/hide - Makes humans transparent and boosts fps

Useful Links
*If you do not like the music that someone is playing try doing !sm <name> first before calling an admin only call an admin if multiple people are upset by this music.
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