Forum Rules

  • Use common sense. If you do not read any other rule except this one you will probably be fine.
  • Do not spam in any way, shape or form. This could be posting irrelevant material in a thread, sending lots of forum messages or any other sort of content.
  • Do not post inappropriate content. If it is not PG-13 friendly do not post it in any way that this website provides.
  • Do not necro post. This means do not post in threads that have been inactive for a significant period of time without a valid reason.
  • Do not dox other members. This means do not release any sort of information about other individuals without their consent, doing so will result in immediate punishment.
  • This is an English only website, that means anything you post here should be posted in English whether that is in private conversations or in threads. Not complying with this will result in the post being deleted.
  • Do not advertise in any manner. You are allowed to send links and discord invites as long as you are not found out to be trying to recruit users to a different platform/service.
  • Do not send other users any sort of malicious material whether that is an IP grabber link or malware doing so will result in an immediate permanent ban.
  • Do not post meaningless or irrelevant content.