Recent content by ALEX

  1. ALEX

    More promotions!

    Congrats gentlemen!
  2. ALEX

    Question of the Day #6

    Shit mang, the stories, the graphics and basic physics, take me back lmao. Halo 3 mainly but we grinded all predecessors, Mass effect, Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition, Counter Strike Xbox Edition, MW2, COD: Black Ops original (fuck the rest), Death Jam: Fight for NY, Jet Set Radio 1 & Future etc...
  3. ALEX


  4. ALEX


    current project, should be released by the end of the month hopefully. Any suggestions?
  5. ALEX

    Hiya folks!

    yo yo, welcome mang
  6. ALEX

    Cheers folks!

    yo yo
  7. ALEX

    Approved Nuttin's Admin Application

    +support pretty cool kid, played a lil bit with him, seems mature and level headed. I don't see why not.
  8. ALEX


    Whats going on mang
  9. ALEX

    you love me gorgeous dont lie

    you love me gorgeous dont lie
  10. ALEX


    fuck you